3 Common Foot Problems People With Diabetes Have

If you have diabetes, the best thing you can do for yourself and your health is to keep your blood glucose level controlled. This is not always an easy task, but it is important for your health. When your blood glucose level is under control, it can reduce the risks of other health problems occurring, including foot problems. Diabetics often experience a number of foot problems, and this is why visiting a podiatrist regularly is an important part of your health. Read More 

Is Having A Midwife Compatible With Your Birth Choices?

If you've recently found out you're pregnant, you could be feeling equal parts excitement and anxiety -- particularly when it comes to the birthing process. With friends and acquaintances eager to regale you with over-the-top birth stories as soon as they find out you're pregnant, you may want an experienced advocate like a midwife to help guide you in making the right pregnancy choices for your own physical and mental health. Read More 

Diagnosed With Glaucoma At A Young Age? What Are Your Best Long-Term Treatment Options?

If you've recently visited your ophthalmologist for a routine visit only to discover you're dealing with the high intraocular pressure that could indicate early glaucoma, you may be dismayed and wondering about your future. Without some way to relieve this pressure on your optic nerve, you may notice a gradual decrease in vision until you're partially (or even totally) blind. For those diagnosed with this condition at a relatively young age, the prospect of vision loss can be even more frightening. Read More 

3 Pregnancy-Related Problems Your Chiropractor Can Address

Do you visit your chiropractor regularly for preventative adjustments? Are you pregnant and wondering whether you can still continue your visits now that you're carrying a baby? The answer is yes; you absolutely should maintain your regular appointments. Not only can your chiropractor continue to provide you with the benefits of a preventative care plan, but he or she can also address a variety of pregnancy-related issues, three of which are discussed below. Read More 

Is It Really Back Pain?

Most people experience back pain from time to time in their lives. Anything from sleeping in a new position to injuries or chronic conditions can cause back pain. There are a few conditions, though, that feel like back pain but are actually caused by something else. Here you will learn how to tell the difference. Upper Back Pain Pain in your neck and upper back can be caused by musculoskeletal disease, injury, strained muscles, and other common back problems. Read More