What Patients Should Know About The Types Of Root Canals

Most dental patients hear the term root canal and think of the basic procedure. They may also be concerned about what the root canal process actually is, as well as other aspects of the process such as healing time. What patients may not know is there are three types of root canals. If you are a dental patient and you are expecting to need a root canal, here are the three types and what you should know about each one. Read More 

Which Orthotic Insert Do You Need?

Your feet are incredibly important and take on a lot of wear and tear. Foot pain can even affect many other parts of your body, especially your lower back. If you struggle with foot pain, it may be time to consider shoe orthotic inserts. If you would like to know more, check out these three orthotic insert options. 1. Store-Bought Inserts If you go to your local grocery store or pharmacy, you may see a bunch of shoe inserts. Read More 

How Can A Rheumatologist Treat Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a painful condition that affects the joints, muscle and bones. It is caused by a gradual deterioration of the cartilage, tendons and ligaments in the bones and joints. There may also be bony changes in the joints and the tissue that lines the joints may become inflamed and irritated. This often results in joint stiffness and pain that worsens over time if left untreated. Fortunately, rheumatologists commonly treat this condition to help relieve these symptoms. Read More 

Tired Of Your Chronic Knee Pain? Combine Weight Loss & Pain-Relieving Treatments

If you suffer from chronic knee pain due to being overweight, the obvious thing you can do to reduce your knee pain is to lose weight. Easier said than done, right? While losing weight is an effective way to reduce knee pain, there are treatments available that can also help provide you with pain relief. Here are a few treatment recommendations for knee pain that you can incorporate into your daily life and your weight loss regimen. Read More 

3 Reasons Why Working With A Weight Loss Coach Makes Sense

If you are ready to lose weight, you don't have to go through that journey independently. Losing weight is a complicated process that requires examining your mental, physical, and emotional health to reach your goals. As losing weight is such a complex process, working with a weight loss coach who can assist you on this journey makes sense. Working with a weight loss coach can offer you many benefits.   1. Doing Things Together Is Easier  Read More