Make Your New Facelift Inconspicuous With These Tips And Tricks

Getting a facelift gives you a younger looking appearance overall, and can boost both your self esteem and your confidence in the process. But if you're like most people who choose to undergo facelift surgery, you probably don't want the whole world to know about it just by looking at you afterward. A good doctor at a place like My Plastic Surgery Group won't leave any noticeable scars behind to worry about, but the improvements that result from your surgery will certainly be noticeable and can quickly give away your surgery secret. Read More 

Helping Your Child Maintain Optimum Eye Health While At School

If your child is currently going through vision therapy, you might be concerned about how they treat their eyes at school. This is a justified concern--experts suggest that approximately 80% of what a child learns every day is done through their eyes. That's why it is so important for your child to take good care of their eyes while at school each day. Fortunately, it's not that difficult for your child to help keep their eyes in top shape, even while learning in a visually-rich school setting. Read More 

Treatment Options For Eye Floaters

It happens to everyone at some point. You're reading or driving or watching television and suddenly something floats into your field of vision. You think it's a speck of dirt, but no matter how much you rub your eye, the speck doesn't go away. That's because it's a special type of eye debris called a floater. While floaters are harmless, they can be annoying. Here are a few treatment options for dealing with this issue. Read More 

Tackling Common Questions Concerning Physical Therapy During Pregnancy

When you hear about physical therapy during pregnancy, the only form of treatment that may come to mind is therapeutic treatment after labor and delivery. While it is true that doctors often recommend physical therapy as part of your post-birth recovery, this professional therapy can also be beneficial while you are still pregnant. If this is news to you, there is no doubt you have several questions concerning obtaining therapy while you are expecting. Read More 

How To Tear Your Achilles Tendon In Five Easy Ways

Your Achilles tendon is one of the most important parts of your ankle and foot-- it provides range of motion and allows you to actively participate in many sports. When you point your toes and flex your calf muscles, you can see your Achilles tendon bulging at the back of your ankle. It extends from the end of the calf muscle, tucking down into the heel. Because the tendon is so large and strong, it can withstand a lot of abuse. Read More