Visit An Audiologist For Testing As Soon As You Detect Hearing Loss
One of the wisest things to do when you know that you have hearing loss is to begin treatments for your hearing condition right away. You'll become quite aware when the loss begins to get worse. You're not hearing what's being said by others and cannot respond appropriately to questions you're asked while people are looking at you and possibly whispering about you in a guarded way. No, you should not place your hearing loss on a back burner. In fact, you should make an appointment to be seen by an audiologist for a screening test.
What Happens If You Don't Undergo Testing
Lest you're even tempted to put the test off for right now, be aware that, in addition to affecting your psychological health, hearing loss has the potential to negatively diminish your ability to maintain your balance. Good balance is an all-important role of movement that helps you to avoid the risk of falling. That risk will increase as your hearing loss becomes more severe. Hearing loss is linked to cardiovascular disease activity and is a major sign of the latter disease. There is some narrowing of your blood vessels when cardiovascular disease sets in. When that happens, the delicate hair cells in your inner ear begin to suffer due to a lack of adequate blood flow.
What To Expect From The Audiologist Examination
You will be examined by the audiologist on your first appointment. This specialist will administer a number of tests, which determine the degree and type of hearing loss. If the results of the testing confirm that you have hearing loss, the treatment phase of your care will be explored. Your audiologist could recommend that you wear a hearing aid. Hearing aid dispensers generally offer you a trial period of 30 days to wear and try the hearing aid before you complete your purchase. Understand that the first hearing aid you try might not be the one you want to choose. Most of the time a hearing aid will take time to get the right fit. Also be aware that your brain will take some time to acclimate and organize the new sounds, which is not unusual.
How To Wear The Aid And Note Any Kinks
Don't give up on wearing the hearing aid. Sure kinks might be present, but that happens when you're wearing a new piece of equipment, be it a hearing aid or even a new pair of glasses. The fitting time period is not magical. The kinks will be worked out by your audiologist who uses adjustment corrections to make the fit work.
Using Humor To Ease The Adjustment
A little humor will help you along the way to get used to your equipment. There is no need to pressure yourself into getting everything right instantly. You'll learn it soon enough and begin socializing with friends and family members once again.