Three Tips To Care For Your Feet
Foot pain and discomfort is something that should be monitored and remedied as quickly as possible. You spend a lot of time on your feet and will walk more than 100,000 miles in your lifetime, so taking great care of your feet is a matter of health. To care for your feet in a way that is worthwhile and conducive to foot health, make sure that you consider these tips below and get the help from foot doctors and other professionals who can assist you.
#1: Pamper Your Feet Regularly
To bolster your foot health, you should be mindful of a few great ways to pamper your feet. First and foremost, invest in a set of socks that fit you and are made with 100% cotton. Purchase some baby powder that you can use on your feet, or use medicated foot powder instead. The key is to keep your feet as dry as possible so that they do not begin breeding bacteria and fungus. You also owe it to yourself to keep your toenails trimmed as much as possible, and spring for a pedicure, to get rid of dead skin and increase your overall foot blood circulation. You can get a pedicure for between $15 and $50 in most cases.
#2: Find A Podiatry Physician Who Can See You Regularly
If you are at all concerned about your foot health, you need to be sure that you first and foremost find the help of a podiatrist you can see regularly. By choosing a podiatrist who you know does quality work, you can allow them to provide you with the highest quality foot care health that you need. Ask to see their license and qualifications and ask about their years of prior experience. An initial podiatrists visit will usually cost to approximately $75, with subsequent visits being less expensive overall. To learn more, contact a company like Elkhorn Foot and Ankle Clinic PLLC .
#3: Customize Your Shoes For The Best Fit
Keep in mind that you do not need to wear your shoes the exact way that they were manufactured. Instead, invest in cushions, insoles or custom orthotics that will make your shoes a much better and more comfortable fit for your foot. This will increase the overall breathability and durability of shoes and help you to avoid swelling, discomfort, and pain. A standard issue insole will cost approximately $50, while custom foot orthotics might cost as much as $350.
Abide by these three tips and you will be able to care for your feet.