Treating And Preventing Foot Blisters

Foot blisters are very common for people on their feet all day, and they can be extremely painful. Luckily, there are several different remedies that you can try at home to get rid of your annoying blisters and prevent them from happening in the future. Enjoy a pain-free life with these easy methods!

Methods for Healing Blisters

1. Warm Water

For a very simple remedy, try just soaking your feet in warm water for about 15 minutes. This will help to soften the feet, which can lead to your blister feeling less painful and healing faster.

2. Vinegar

A vinegar bath for your feet can do wonders in healing painful blisters. You should add three tablespoons of white vinegar to a quart of water and soak your feet in it twice a day for 15 minutes.

3. Bandage

A bandage can be a great help for a blister, but you can't just use the ones you have in your medicine cabinet. Instead, take some gauze and cut a small hole in the middle that is the same size of your blister. Then, apply the bandage to your foot. This will keep the pressure off of your blister while still allowing it to breathe.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is effective against many different ailments, including blisters. You can pick up aloe vera gel in your local pharmacy or grocery store. Simply apply the gel to the blister each day until it is healed. Alternatively, you can use the actual aloe vera plant; just squeeze the liquid out of the leaf onto your blister.

5. Green Tea

Green tea is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Because of this, it can be very helpful in healing blisters. Soak your feet in green tea once a day for 15 minutes to heal your blisters quicker.

6. Drain the Blister

If your blister just won't seem to heal on its own, you may need to drain it. You can do this by taking a sterilized needle and poking the blister. It should pop and fluid should drain out of it. Then, apply a bandage to prevent infection.

Always be careful when trying to cure a blister! You should monitor the blister for potential signs of infection, which include puss, red skin around the blister, swelling, or fever. If you do notice signs that it could be infected, be sure to see a doctor right away. An annoying blister can quickly turn into a dangerous problem if it is infected and untreated.

Methods for Preventing Blisters

While blisters can be treated with home remedies, they still are a huge pain to have. Follow these simple tips to avoid getting blisters again in the future.

1. Make Sure Your Shoes Fit Properly

When you go to the shoe store, make sure you bring along the thickest socks that you are going to wear with the shoes.  A pair of shoes might seem to fit perfectly when you are only wearing the thin socks provided by the store, but wearing the shoes with thicker socks later might tell a different story.

2. Use Athletic Socks for Activity

Athletic socks are designed to reduce the amount of friction between your feet and your shoes when you are exercising. This friction is the main cause of foot blisters, so make sure to pick up a pair to protect your feet.

3. Keep Your Feet Dry

Moisture in your shoes can lead to blisters on your feet. Dry out your shoes after activity and dry your feet carefully after bathing. You can also use antiperspirant on your feet to cut down on sweating during exercise.

Contact a podiatrist for more info.
